Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Jingles S and P block

From now on I'll be posting all new jingles/memory aids as well as those which are not part of second edition of the book.please post your comments ,suggestions and new jingles to me.
S block
Alkaline earth metals

Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra
बेटा मांगे कन्या सुंदर बाप राजी
P block
group 14

C Si Ge Sn Pb
कैसी ग्रीष्म (की) सुंदर प्रभात
कार्तिक शिव गणेश संग पार्वती

group 15

N P As Sb Bi
National pemit as Sb - Bi
नहीं परोसे ऐसी सब्जी भिन्डी की
Group 16

O S Se Te Po
Old solders seems terribly polluted
Group 17(Halogens)

F Cl Br I At
Frank cleverly brought Indian attire

More jingles will be posted soon ,Second edition of

"Memory Aids for Chemistry"
Will be in market soon.Keep commenting.
Chemistry made easy by

Friday, December 11, 2009

Why this book?

We have often heard many students saying with a exasperation "Oh! Chemistry needs a lots of mugging & cramming". Mostly the students who shy away from chemistry are anxious about not being able to remember all required things.
Contrary to common beliefs even Chemistry is a conceptual subject which requires deep understanding like Physics and Maths, although it is essential for a beginner to remember a handful. Once you master a few initial concepts you may be able to understand the rest. Yet, keeping in mind the limited availability of time, it is often better to remember these rather than to derive them.
Generally, students have difficulty in remembering periodic table, group tests, colour of compounds etc. which is a impossible task in absence of memory aids.
The various Jingles, Rhymes and Phrases in this book is a representation of my efforts to generate interest in this so called "Dry Subject" and make Chemistry much easier to remember. Some of the material in this book is vastly popular among the students.Some have been inspired by other refrences and remaining paintakingly created by me in ordder to be able to meet the readers requirments.